To all our loyal customers:

We wanted to take minute to let everyone know that at Katie’s Kitchen we are doing everything we possibly can to ensure the health & safety of our guests, employees and community.

Katie’s Kitchen has continuously upheld to industry standards when it comes to cleanliness and sanitation practice and wanted to let you all know the policies & procedures we are putting into place surrounding the COVID-19/Coronavirus.

Katie’s Kitchen Policies:

  • Educating our employees on preventative measures provided by the CDC.

  • Increasing the frequency of our cleaning practices, additional wipe downs of surfaces.

  • Providing hand sanitizers for employees and guests.

  • Heightened sanitation and hand-washing for employees.

We ask our guest to help keep Katie’s Kitchen clean by being courteous to other guests and employees by:

  • Washing hands

  • Staying home when sick

  • Covering you nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze with tissue, and dispose of the tissue.

Thank you for your trust in Katie’s Kitchen and we will strive to keep the restaurant safe and clean during these challenging circumstances.

Thank You & Stay Healthy,
Katie’s Kitchen Staff